Tradition in Stone
Tradition in Stone
we translate perfection in natural stone processing into projects worldwide
About Us
Caring for our customers’ needs is our main source of inspiration. For this reason, we aim to strengthen a relationship based on trust with all those who use our services.
Reliability and durability – another criterion that puts us at the top of the list in terms of taste and refinement.
And because our services are based on quality and reliability, over the last 15 years Ruschite marble has been integrated into numerous successful projects around the world. We’re talking about large-scale projects in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Germany, Austria and Italy – projects that rely primarily on the superior quality of our products.
Since 1998, THEDA MAR – MARMOSIM group holds exploitation licenses for the 6 most important quarries in the field of natural stone extraction in Romania, providing the necessary raw material in the form of blocks. Thus, the marble quarry in Ruschita, the two limestone quarries in Podeni, the two travertine quarries in Geoagiu and Carpinis, the andesite quarry in Pietroasa and the diabase and gabbro quarry in Zam are the basis for the development of reliable and devoted relationships with all our customers.
About Us
Caring for our customers’ needs is our main source of inspiration. For this reason, we aim to strengthen a relationship based on trust with all those who use our services.
Reliability and durability – another criterion that puts us at the top of the list in terms of taste and refinement.
And because our services are based on quality and reliability, over the last 15 years Ruschite marble has been integrated into numerous successful projects around the world. We’re talking about large-scale projects in Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Germany, Austria and Italy – projects that rely primarily on the superior quality of our products.
Since 1998, THEDA MAR – MARMOSIM group holds exploitation licenses for the 6 most important quarries in the field of natural stone extraction in Romania, providing the necessary raw material in the form of blocks. Thus, the marble quarry in Ruschita, the two limestone quarries in Podeni, the two travertine quarries in Geoagiu and Carpinis, the andesite quarry in Pietroasa and the diabase and gabbro quarry in Zam are the basis for the development of reliable and devoted relationships with all our customers.
Career Activity
The quarrying activity in Romania is regulated and operates under the authority of laws that provide its guarantee. MARMOSIM holds exploitation licenses for 6 of the most important quarries in the field of natural rock extraction in the country. One marble quarry, two limestone quarries, two travertine quarries and one andesite quarry – all of them provide us with the necessary raw material in the form of blocks.
Piatra de temelie a firmei MARMOSIM a fost pusa in ultima jumatate a secolului 19 cand a inceput exploatarea in cariera a marmurii de Ruschita. Cariera Veche a fost operative inca din 1883 si de atunci…
Activitatea de Cariera
Activitatea de extractie din tara noastra este reglementata de legi si functioneaza sub autoritatea si garantia acestora. MARMOSIM detine licentele de exploatare pentru cele mai importante 6 cariere din domeniul…
Cel mai important material din portofoliul nostru este marmura de Ruschita. Capacitatea de extractie in cariera depaseste 15.000 mc pe an. Marmura de Ruschita are o gama variata de culori: galbui, portocaliu…
Piatra de temelie a firmei MARMOSIM a fost pusa in ultima jumatate a secolului 19 cand a inceput exploatarea in cariera a marmurii de Ruschita. Cariera Veche a fost operative inca din 1883 si de atunci generatii…
Activitatea de extractie din tara noastra este reglementata de legi si functioneaza sub autoritatea si garantia acestora. MARMOSIM detine licentele de exploatare pentru cele mai importante 6 cariere din domeniul…
Ruschita Galbui
Ruschita Orange
Ruschita Roz-Pal
Ruschita Galbui
Ruschita Orange
Ruschita Roz-Pal
In recent years, as a member of the European Community, Romania has benefited from development funds dedicated to the restoration of the main historical urban centres. Our materials have been chosen for the renovation of old urban centres such as: Sibiu, Alba Iulia and Oradea. The development of the domestic market has created the possibility of spreading our company’s products for projects such as: diplomatic institutions, National Bank of Bucharest, Palace of Telephones Bucharest, Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, National Library, hotels, shopping centres, airports, cathedrals or various residential projects.
In recent years, as a member of the European Community, Romania has benefited from development funds dedicated to the restoration of the main historical urban centres. Our materials have been chosen for the renovation of old urban centres such as: Sibiu, Alba Iulia and Oradea. The development of the domestic market has created the possibility of spreading our company’s products for projects such as: diplomatic institutions, National Bank of Bucharest, Palace of Telephones Bucharest, Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, National Library, hotels, shopping centres, airports, cathedrals or various residential projects.
Suntem atenti la fiecare detaliu: precizia taierii, calitatea de finisare a suprafetelor…
Palatul Parlamentului3
Palatul Parlamentului are o suprafata desfasurata de 330.000 mp, inscriindu-se in Cartea Recordurilor la capitolul Cladiri Administrative, pe locul 2 in lume dupa cladirea Pentagonului, iar din punct de vedere al volumului, cu cei 2.550.000 mp ai sai, pe locul 3 in lume, dupa cladirea de asamblare a rachetelor spatiale de la Cape Canaveral din Florida si dupa piramida lui Quetzalcoatl din Mexic. Pentru comparatie se poate mentiona ca aceasta cladire depaseste cu 2% volumul piramidei lui Keops din Egipt si de aceea unele surse o caracterizeaza ca pe o constructie “faraonica”. Palatul Parlamentului are ca material principal pentru decoratiunile interioare si exterioare marmura de Ruschita. Pentru realizarea acestei impunatoare cladiri s-au folosit peste 1.000.000 mc de marmura.
Palatul Parlamentului2
Palatul Parlamentului are o suprafata desfasurata de 330.000 mp, inscriindu-se in Cartea Recordurilor la capitolul Cladiri Administrative, pe locul 2 in lume dupa cladirea Pentagonului, iar din punct de vedere al volumului, cu cei 2.550.000 mp ai sai, pe locul 3 in lume, dupa cladirea de asamblare a rachetelor spatiale de la Cape Canaveral din Florida si dupa piramida lui Quetzalcoatl din Mexic. Pentru comparatie se poate mentiona ca aceasta cladire depaseste cu 2% volumul piramidei lui Keops din Egipt si de aceea unele surse o caracterizeaza ca pe o constructie “faraonica”. Palatul Parlamentului are ca material principal pentru decoratiunile interioare si exterioare marmura de Ruschita. Pentru realizarea acestei impunatoare cladiri s-au folosit peste 1.000.000 mc de marmura.
Palatul Parlamentului
Palatul Parlamentului are o suprafata desfasurata de 330.000 mp, inscriindu-se in Cartea Recordurilor la capitolul Cladiri Administrative, pe locul 2 in lume dupa cladirea Pentagonului, iar din punct de vedere al volumului, cu cei 2.550.000 mp ai sai, pe locul 3 in lume, dupa cladirea de asamblare a rachetelor spatiale de la Cape Canaveral din Florida si dupa piramida lui Quetzalcoatl din Mexic. Pentru comparatie se poate mentiona ca aceasta cladire depaseste cu 2% volumul piramidei lui Keops din Egipt si de aceea unele surse o caracterizeaza ca pe o constructie “faraonica”. Palatul Parlamentului are ca material principal pentru decoratiunile interioare si exterioare marmura de Ruschita. Pentru realizarea acestei impunatoare cladiri s-au folosit peste 1.000.000 mc de marmura.
Special processing
We pay attention to every detail: from the precision of the cut to the quality of the surface finish.
Thank you for your choice!
Strada Cuza Voda, Nr. 24
335900 Simeria – HD – Romania
Monday- Friday: 8:30 – 17:00
Phone: 0254 260 851
Sales Director:
Marian Croitoru
0722 533 378
Sales Representative:
Dorina Rus
0724 382 827
Commercial Representative:
Laura Lascoiu
0731 290 742